“Union of Slavs” got into Adygean parliament due to big number of supporters

ADYGEA, 14 March, Caucasus Times. On 13 March Central Election Committee of Adygea organized press conference devoted to the results of the parliamentary elections in Adygea, which were conducted on 12 March last Sunday. The following four parties managed to overcome 7% threshold and to get into Adygean parliament: “United Russia” with almost 34%; Communist Party of the Russian Federation with around 15%; “PromPartia” with more than 13% and Agrarian Party with almost 11% of votes. Category “against all” received 6.6% of the votes, which makes up around 10.000 people.

One of the most characteristic features of the elections was the success of “PromPartia”. Majority of the ideological activists of “PromPartia” are members of the “Union of Slavs of Adygea”.

At the same time, it should be noticed that “Union of Slavs” managed to get into parliament due to big number of its supporters. However, quality of those elected representatives of “Union of Slavs” is a bit down in comparison to previous elections. Thus, this time close associate of Nina Konovalova Vladimir Karataev, Chief Editor of “Zakubanye” newspaper, print organ of the “Union of Slavs”, was not elected to the parliament. Nina Konovalova herself managed to get into parliament due to only 1576 voters while during the elections to the former State Council she received approximately 11 times more votes.

In the meantime, Circassian Congress did not have any candidates in the single-member electoral districts and did not join any party. In the words of the leaders of Circassian Congress, they did not have such a plan.

List of those who won in the single-member electoral districts was announced during press conference. In total, 27 persons were elected in single-member electoral districts and 12 among them were Adygeans. This is quite high number given the fact that Adygeans make up just 24% of the population in Adygea.

Areas with the compact Adygean population voted for “PromPartia” in the following way: Adygeisk – 0.8%; Tahtamukai district – 7.6%; Koshehabl district – 4.6%; Krasnogvardeisk district – 7.5%; Shovgen district – 2.7%; Teuchezhsky district – 0.2%. Percentage of the Russian population in the above-mentioned districts range from 20% to 60%, but Russians in these districts don’t support the idea of joining Krasnodar region – most probably, out of solidarity with the local Adygeans.

The highest number of supporters of “PromPartia” is in the capital of Maikop. This is most probably caused not by the authority of the party leaders, but rather by the positive influence of the mere word “industry” on the urban population under the conditions when industry is not funcioning properly. It is worth of reminding that the main electoral slogan of “PromPartia” was the expediency of joining Krasnodar region.

Aslan Shazzo, Maikop, Caucasus Times

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