The republic’s authorities cancel a local newspaper

KABARDINO-BALKARIA, October 4, Caucasus Times – The government of the republic has ordered recently a local newspaper “The highlands woman” to be shut down by the end of this year, the newspaper editors told Caucasus Times correspondent.

The officials said, the newspaper would not be canceled but edited twice a month as a supplement of “The Kabardino-Balkaria’s Truth” local state-run official newspaper. The authorities explained the order was issued “to optimize the republic’s budget means expenditures”. The newspaper’s journalists and editors have responded negatively because they fear mass layoff may follow the newspaper shutdown.

“The Highlands woman” has been a unique newspaper focusing primarily on the problems of local women, families, motherhood and childhood in the republic. The newspaper has had a monthly circulation about 6.000 copies in the republic.

Inga Babayeva, Caucasus Times, Nalchik

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