Statistics show the state run organizations employees are poorly paid
KARACHAI-CHERKESSIA, August 26, Caucasus Times – According to Statistics Committee report published recently, the employees of state institutions financed from the budget have the lowest rate of salary in the republic.
The employees engaged in public health institutions, public security, culture and art organization, state educational institutions have a salary of 3617,9 rubles (about $121), what is 12-27,9 % less than an average salary in the republic, the report said.
The wage of employees in finance, credit and insurance organizations reached 8807,5 rubles and exceeds the average salary of doctors, teachers and other state run institutions by 2,8-3,4 times.
Besides, the employees are not paid regularly. So far, the republic budget has not paid off 23,2 million rubles, the State Committee reported.