State Council of Chechnya denounces Russian media

CHECHNYA, October 1, Caucasus Times – On September 30 the State Council of the Chechen Republic issued a statement strongly condemning Russian mass media for “deliberate and slanderous campaign”, which targeted the Chechen people.

“The biased, racist Russian media blame on the Chechens all possible and impossible characteristics. In every case of terror attacks and bloody action mass media direct an outburst of indignation towards Chechens and Chechen republic long before real perpetrators or those who staged the attack are detected. The media, however, remain dumb when numerous facts of human rights and freedom violations of Russia’s citizens of Chechen nationality occur regularly in the country” the statement reads.

The Chechens are facing, according to the republic’s legislature, a dirty slanderous campaign carried out deliberately against Chechen people by some printed and television media in Moscow. The State Council of Chechnya demanded to stop labeling the Chechen people as monsters and to end the policy of double standards in news coverage of events taking place in Chechnya.

Ruslanbek Dudayev, Groznyy, Caucasus Times

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