Second line of hydro-electric power station will be built in Kabardino-Balkaria
KABARDINO-BALKARIA, 27 January, Caucasus Times. Federal Generator Company created by Russian Joint Stock Company “United Energy Systems of Russia” is planning to build a second line of hydro-electric power station.
Ali Sottaev, General Director of series of hydro-electric power station, told CaucasusTimes correspondent that in 2008 this energy project will be completed. Estimated cost of the project is 2 billions 878 million rubles. Russian Joint Stock Company “United Energy Systems of Russia” will make the most part of investments in this project. At the same time, Ali Sottaev believes that Kabardino-Balkaria has also to make some investments in this energy project of the future.
In his words, Russian Joint Stock Company “United Energy Systems of Russia” has already allotted 240 million rubles. According to local energy experts, the rest of money are expected to come in the nearest future.
General Director said that when series of hydro-electric power station start working at full capacity, its potential will be 650 million kilowatt-hours, which would enable to provide the whole republic with cheap elecric power.
Several years ago government of Kabardino-Balkaria committed itself to complete construction of Nizhne-Cherek hydro-electric power stations to provide cheap elecricity to all strategic and social objects of the republic including socially weak part of the population.
During the last cold days consumption of electricity in Kabardino-Balkaria jumped up to 10%. The population have to switch on their heating equipment for warming up their apartments. After New Year one kilowatt-hour costs 1.43 rubles. In total, Kabardino-Balkaria consumes 1.4 billion kilowatt-hours per year.
However, power engineers did not mention how a new wave of construction of hydro-electric power station can influence the pockets of the ordinary citizens.