Public organizations in Adygea submitted a declaration concerning the activities of the public movement “Union of Slavs of Adygea” to republican Prosecutor’s Office
ADYGEA, 16 January, Caucasus Times. Four public organizations of Adygea signed a common declaration and submitted this document to the Prosecutor’s Office of Adygea. Adygean public organizations are concerned by the chauvinistic rhetoric and sayings of the public movement “Union of Slavs of Adygea” expressed during the congress of this organization on 18 December last year.
Zaur Dzeukozhev, Deputy Chairman of the public organization “Cherkessian Congress” informed CaucasusTimes correspondent about that. In his words, he submitted this declaraton to the Prosecutor’s Office on 16 January. He was assured by the Prosecutor’s Office that he will receive the official answer during one month period or sooner.
The document says: ”On 18 December 2005 congress of the public movement “Union of Slavs of Adygea” was conducted in Maikop. Declarations expressed during the congress were marked by xenophobia, chauvinism and national intolerance which enable us to characterize this event as a manifestation of a fascism.
The same attitude was demonstrated towards Jews, Gypsies and Slavs in Germany on the eve of the Nazi’s coming to power. The mere right of different peoples to exist was questioned.
Republic of Adygea exists in accordance with the norms of international law confirmed by the UN Charter in the Constitution of Russian Federation. Any calls to liquidate Republic of Adygea can be defined as ethnocide and genocide in accordance with international law.
We, public organizations, are deeply concerned by what is going on and we believe that necessary legal measures should be taken as far as public movement “Union of Slavs of Adygea” is concerned.
This declaration was signed by the public movement “Adyge Hase”, by Adygean republican public movement “Cherkessian Congress”, by Adygean republican branch of All-Russian public organization “Union of Russian Armenians” and by Adygean republican public organization “Azerbaijani cultural society Dayag”.