Public Opinion of Adygea is Indignated By the Program Aims of the Union of Slavs of Adygea
ADYGEA, 20 December, CaucasusTimes. Publication of the reports presented during the Fourth Congress of the Slavs of Adygea held on 18 December in Maikop caused numerous protests from the public and representatives of the republican authorities.
Nina Konovalova, Chairwoman of the Union of Slavs and Deputy of State Council – “Adyge Hase” and Vladimir Petrov, Executive Director of “Economic Union of Businessmen” are among the authors of the reports presented at the congress.
Congress made a decision to establish an electoral block under the auspices of the two unions for the upcoming parliamentary elections in the republic in March 2006. Activities aimed at making Adygea to join Krasnodar Krai will be the main purpose of the candidates of this block. Representatives of the Union of Slavs and its supporters believe that this is the only way to protect national interests of the Russian population of Adygea.
Another way to protect the interests of the Russian population was proposed by Yurii Kanatov, head of regional branch of Union of Slavs in Giagin district and Acting Chairman of the Adygean branch of the National Statehood Party of Russia. He called his countrymen to use all legal ways to get the arms.
Murat Berzegov, Chairman of republican public movement “Cherkessian Congress” informed CaucasusTimes correspondent that all public organizations and parties of Adygea should unite their efforts to prevent the candidates of the block to take part in the elections.
In Berzegov’s view, latent call to use force is unacceptable. He believes that joining Krasnodar Krai would result in factual liquidation of Adygea and that only indigenous population can solve this question.
Gazii Chemso, Republican Minister of Culture and Press described reports presented at the congress as “demagogy” and populist PR-activities.