Pensioners demand that President Puting and Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov step down

STAVROPOL TERRITORY, February 21, Caucasus Times – At least two thousand World War II veterans, pensioners and other welfare beneficiaries rallied yesterday in Stavropol protesting the so-called monetizaton of the welfare and insurance system.

The co-sponsors of the authorized meeting were the local branch of the Russian Communist Party, war veterans’ organization, other public movements of Stavropol Territory.

The people demanded indexation of pension benefits to a cost-of-living rate.
Among the popular slogans at the meeting were “Down with the regime” and “Messrs Putin and Ivanov step down!”

The protesters have also called for national referendum to decide urgent issues of the country.

Today a hundred of protesters were picketing the office of local state-run television channel, blaming the company, which, they said, was campaigning for the authorities’ policy.

Maria Valoshina, Caucasus Times

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