New president dismisses cabinet in Russia’s Adygeya

AGYDEYA, 15 January, Caucasus Times: Adygeya’s cabinet of ministers has been entirely dismissed by President Aslanchari Tkhakushinov, the president told an extended cabinet meeting on Monday [15 January].

Speaking to reporters on the same day, the president underlined the key points of Adygeya’s development strategy for 2007. He noted that the priority task this year would be conducting a review of the economy.

“This is not for finding out who has not done well, but to see in what condition our forests, industrial enterprises, agrarian and industrial complex are,” Tkhakushinov said.

The review will be conducted very quickly, he added.

The president also confirmed that he had appointed Vladimir Samozhenkovost prime minister and Yegor Goryaynov head of the presidential administration.

Parliament Speaker Ruslan Khadzhibiyokov, who also attended the cabinet meeting, told reporters that the cabinet nominated by the president would be submitted to the State Council, or Khase, for approval this week.

Aslan Shazzo, Maykop, Caucasus Times

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