Hiding place with the weapons and amunition was discovered in Stavropol region
STAVROPOL REGION, 13 March, Caucasus Times. Hiding place with the weapons and amunition was discovered in Kochubei district of Stavropol region in the vicinity of the highway Stavropol – Cherkessk.
Sources in the Interor Office of Stavropol region reported that a white plastic bag with two hand anti-tank grenade cup dischargers RPG-18, one MON-50 mine, two electric detonators and two wires for MON-50 mine have been found on Friday by the members of the regional Federal Security Service.
In the words of the source, examination of the hiding place showed that in its upper part there was installed a mine-snare made out of a hand-grenade. Mine-snare was liquidated by demolition. All weapons and amunition found in the hiding place were confiscated as material evidence for the investigation purposes.
In connection with this fact, criminal proceedings were instituted in accordance with the article # 222 of the Russian Criminal Code (illegal sale, storage and carrying the weapons and amunition).