Expert team to work out antiterrorism and religious extremism agenda for Russian State Council session

KARACHAI-CHERKESSIA, September 16, Caucasus Times – The group of experts, the counterterrorism commission gathered at the Dombai resort in Karachi-Cherkessia today. In two days, the analysts should have proposals worked out for upcoming session of Russian State Council to focus on problems of anti-terrorism and religious extremism.
Caucasus Times correspondent quoted Murat Karaketov, the chief of staff of President Batdiyev as saying the expertise commission would be working in the republic, which had been troubled by religious extremism and besides, Mr.Putin charged President Batdiyev to head the commission to prepare proposals for the counterterrorism session of Russia’s State Council.

The Russian President Administration officials, Pheophan the Bishop of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz, the chairman of Coordination Council for the North Caucasus Moslems Ismail Hajji Berdiyev, the muftis of the region and scores of scientists are expected at the session.

Speaking at the opening of expertise commission President Mustafa Batdiyev underlined the system of counterterrorism measures to be worked out as the main objective of the committee, the measures that should help to combat terrorism effectively and in the long run to demolish that abominable phenomenon. Mr. Batdiyev pointed out the package of documents and recommendations of the experts would be the agenda of the Council session.
A recently appointed Putin’s envoy for the southern Russian region Dmitriy Kozak was expected at the conference but did not arrive, Murat Karaketov said.

Irina Miyaghkova, Caucasus Times, Dombai

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