Court in Karachaevo-Cherkessia decided that the results of the elections of the head of Karachaevskii district had been falsified
KARACHAEVO-CHERKESSIA, 21 March, Caucasus Times. District court in Karachaevsk partially satisfied the claim lodged by the deputy of the republican People’s Assembly Ilam Krymshamkhalov to proclaim the results of the elections of the head of Karachaevsk district illegal.
Elections were held on 25 December 2005. Court acknowledged that the results of the elections had been falsified. Sources in the Supreme Court of Karachaevo-Cherkessia told CaucasusTimes correspondent that a candidate for the position of the district head Ilam Krymshamkhalov, who received 38% of the votes according to official data, lodged a claim to the court.
His opponent – acting district head Eldar Salpagarov, who is son-in-law of the First Deputy Prime Minister of Karachaevo-Cherkessia Boris Gochiyaev received 53% of votes, which is enough for the victory in the first round. However, court ruled that Salpagarov received only 48% of the votes, which is not enough for the victory in the first round.
Election Commission of Karachaevo-Cherkessia is going to defend the results of the municipal elections. In the words of the members of the republican Election Commission, complaints will be first sent to the Supreme Court of the republic and in case of the negative answer to the Russian Supreme Court.