Businessmen, officials attend the international business conference “Kuban-2004”

KRASNODAR TERRITORY, October 7, Caucasus Times – As many as two thousand participants largely foreign businessmen, representatives of international corporations have gathered in Sochi at the 3rd International Forum to consider different business project, the Krasnodar Territory administration office told Caucasus Times correspondent.

Speaking at the opening of the forum, the governor Alexander Tkachev said the businessmen would be considering over 200 investment projects that might cost over 2 billion euro.

According to Mr. Tkachev the Russia’s government rated the “Kuban – 2004” forum in Sochi as the International and Russian economic conference.
Krasnodar Territory administration, Russian government and President’s administration office, the Chamber of Trade and Industry and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs were the cosponsors of the business forum.

Erica Nami, Krasnodar, Caucasus Times

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