Attack on Ingush minister linked to earlier car park blast – prosecutor

NAZRAN, 30 September, Caucasus Times – The people who committed the 30 September attack on Ingush Interior Minister Musa Medov might be the ones behind the blast at the Interior Ministry’s car park this summer, says Ingush prosecutor Yuriy Turygin.
“We have got similar blasts, and I think these are links of one chain. We all remember a car explosion at the Ingush Interior Ministry’s car park, in which two were killed and five others injured. I think the attack on Ingush [Interior Ministry] head Musa Medov was perpetrated by the same group of people who planted a bomb at a car at the Interior Ministry’s park,” he said.
The body of the suicide-bomber, who attempted to run his loaded car against the one which carried Medov, but failed because the bomb went off before the collision, is being identified by his fingerprints, Turygin added.

Judging by a hole in the ground caused by the explosion, the car was loaded with an equivalent of about 35-40 kg of TNT, he said. However, “the situation in the republic is overall calm and controllable”, he concluded.

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