Ancient Greeks amphora discovered at the bottom of Krasnodar water storage basin

Scholars of a joint expedition of the archaeologists of Adygheiya’s National Museum, the Institute for humanitarian researches and State committee for monitoring and preserving historical sites, while conducting research of the dry surface of the water storage bottom nearby Tauikhable village of Teuchezhsky district of Adygheiya have discovered an ancient Greek amphora, which has survived in historical dust over 2,5 thousand years.

According to the archaeologists, the Greek amphora was found at the traditional burial site of a prominent Meotian (Proto-Circassian) warrior. Besides, lots of pottery, ceramics were discovered at that. There must be several metal artifacts down deeper, the scholars supposed.

By good fortune, the archaeologists are quoted as say, they managed to discover all this though such historical sites and finds are in abundance on the ancient Adyghes homeland.

The scientists succeeded just because they appeared to be ahead of the crowds of “diggers” or “illegal archaeologists” hunting for ancient treasures. It is more them on than these coast, than fishermen.

Laurece Khakuzh, Adygheiya Caucasus Times

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