74 % процента чеченских беженцев заявили, что желают остаться в лагере беженцев, в то время как 20 % выразили желание вернутся в Чечню

In June 1-5, 2003 caucasustimes.com conducted a survey among Chechen refugees in a largest refugee camp in Ingushetia. Survey was aimed at clarifying refugees’ current status, sources of income, future plans and their attitude towards current situation in Chechnya and it’s future perspectives.

Overwhelming majority of refugees (over 70%) indicated that they became refugees more than 3 years ago. All refugees (100%) were unanimous in saying that personal security reasons rather than economic or political factors played a major role in their decision to become refugees. Most refugees (almost 60%) indicated humanitarian aid as their main source of income.

74% of those polled declared their intention to stay in a refugee camp in a coming year, while only 20% of refugees said they are going to return to Chechnya.

Assessing general situation in Chechnya in last year, 48% thought it rather deteriorated and 24% felt that it remained basically the same. Responding to a question on situation in Chechnya in the nearest future, most respondents proved to be rather pessimistic with 40% thinking it would not change and 30% expecting it would rather deteriorate.

Almost all refugees (94%) thought the main problem in Chechnya today are killings, kidnapping as well as misbehavior of the military while only 6% indicated lack of any positive perspectives for future.

For more detailed information please see the charts enclosed.

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