Preparations for the second round of the elections of the heads of republican municipalities are going on in Karachaevo-Cherkessia

KARACHAEVO-CHERKESSIA, 12 January, CaucasusTimes. On 15 January this year second round of the elections of the heads of municipalities will take place in the newly established municipal districts of Karachevo-Cherkessia including Prikubanskii, Malokarachaevskii, Urupskii and Zelenchukskii districts.

Sources in the republican election commission informed CaucasusTimes correspondent that all bulletins have already been printed out and delivered to the polling stations. In addition, information “hot line” will be established in the republican election commission through which members of the election commission will be giving necessary consultations to the population of the republic.

Starting from this year population of those districts can exercise their right to pre-term voting in case of necessity. Currently overall number of those who exercised their right to pre-term voting in Prikubanskii, Malokarachaevskii, Urupskii and Zelenchukskii districts reached 212 persons.

It is worth of reminding that on 25 December elections of the heads of districts took place in eight municipal districts of Karachaevo-Cherkessia. Heads of the disricts have been elected in the first round in Habezskii, Adyge-Hablskii, Karachaevskii and Ust-Dzhegutinskii districts. Muharbii Shebzuhov, Fral Shebzuhov, Eldar Salpagarov and Anzor Laipanov who previously occupied the posts of the district heads preserved their positions.

Madina Dyshekova, Cherkessk, Caucasus Times

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