Oleg Orlov: “Authorities themselves help the terrorists to recruit new members”.
PRAGUE, 3 March, Caucasus Times. Chairman of the Human Rights Center “Memorial” Council, Member of “Memorial” Board of Directors Oleg Orlov commenting on the investigation of the case of the terrorist attack on Nalchik in October last year told CaucasusTimes that the authorities themselves help the terrorists to recruit new members.
“When I was in Kabardino-Balkaria, it became absolutely clear for me that the investigation had been conducted in an absolutely unacceptable manner. Those lawyers who were trying to honestly abide by their professional duties and legal norms were pushed aside the process of investigation under artificial and far-fetched pretexts”, – Oleg Orlov emphasized. In his opinion, it is absolutely clear now that large-scale terrorist underground movement in the North Caucasus area, which is not limited by Chechen borders any more, proclaimed an armed jihad against Russia.
“Terrorist underground movement is actively recruiting its supporters among Muslim believers from different North Caucasus republics who have a grudge against the authorities”, – Oleg Orlov pointed out.
Full text of the interview with Oleg Orlov will be available in the “Interviews” rubric.