Karachaevo-Cherkessian parliamentarians call for the tightening of the media law

KARACHAEVO-CHERKESSIA, 6 March, Caucasus Times. Sources in the Information and Analytical Office of the Karachevo-Cherkessian People’s Assembly told CaucasusTimes correspondent that deputies of Karachaevo-Cherkessian People’s Assembly filed a proposal to the Russian State Duma requesting to tighten the norms of the media law. In particular, deputies want to tighten legal norm, which does not currently require obligatory registration of the print media with the circulation less than 1.000 copies.

Karachaevo-Cherkessian parliamentarians proposed to change the existing legal norm so that obligatory registration would be needed for print media with the circulation of 150 copies and more. In deputies’ opinion, media outlets with the circulation less than 1.000 copies are currently allowed to be published without registration and those who publish those media outlets can hardly be made answerable for their actions.

Sources in the Information and Analytical Office of the Karachevo-Cherkessian People’s Assembly also noticed that this problem is getting more urgent since many irresponsible journalists use this legal possibility for publishing unregistered media outlets calling for the seizure of the power as well as for interethnic and interconfessional hatred.

Madina Botasheva, Cherkessk, Caucasus Times

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