Assassination attempt on federal judge’s life in Botlykh
DAGESTAN, February 22, Caucasus Times – Arzulum Magomedov, a federal judge of Botlikh district of the republic was assaulted today, the administration office told Caucasus Times correspondent. A gunman approached the judge as he was going to the court office and shot in his abdomen. The judge was delivered to hospital right away. As the doctors say, Mr. Magomadov’s life has been out of danger.
Shortly before the incident there the office of the district court had been on fire. The police did not rule that someone set fire to the office intentionally.
Many believe the troubles ensued as a result of standoff in the district where local residents protested a new amendment to the election procedure, which annulled the election of local administrator by popular vote. The people disputing over legitimacy of the amendment have appealed to the Supreme Court of Dagestan. The hearing of the appeal is due on March 3.